Hi there, I’m Jes.

I used to believe that the challenges of the Anthropocene can be unraveled by figuring out how to live in right relation with ourselves, others (human and non-human), “the universe”, and everything in between. Everything - so I thought - depends on our relationships. While I still believe that we need to figure relating out, I also came to believe that the likelihood of making it out alive are slim. Literally and figuratively speaking.

The central question of my work is therefore “How to live a good life in the Anthropocene?”

Not that I am a doomer or prepper. Far from it. I think we can make this world an even more beautiful place to live in - while simulteanuosly, a lot of what we love and know will die, that is. It’s this gooey soup of paradoxes, that I thrive in and that my work is situated in.  

How my work will benefit you 👩‍🍳:

Despite 10+ years of research in prestigious academic institutes and beyond, I can’t offer you answers. The most promising way to figure out how to live a good life in the apocalypse is grounded in what people have always done to answer that question: practical philosophy.

I therefore help you to practice philosphy so you can develop your own philosophy to live by.

Most of the ideas I write about are someone else’s. They result from many hours of reading, research, and interviews. I merge insights from many fields: biology, ecology, spirituality, sustainability science, (behavioral) economics, history, mathematics, physics, philosophy, psychology and more. My writing explains those ideas in a way that makes them easy to use and apply to daily life. Like bell hooks, I think theories that cannot be shared in everyday conversation are useless. If you don’t find my ideas useful, I haven’t done my job.

Topics include…

  • How to live in right relation

  • How to live as a relational Self - as opposed to an individual

  • How to live wisely (or at least wiser)

  • How to make good choices and avoid bad ones (for yourself and other beings)

  • How transformation towards social-ecological justice is possible 

  • How to create better processes and systems (in your own life and socially)

  • How the actions of one effect the whole

  • How to live a more meaningful life when the world seems meaningless

What you should know 🤓

Anything I write is to be taken with a grain of salt.

I like the idea of leaving an intellectual inheritance. Humans progress by adding layer upon layer of knowledge. They become wise when they apply that knowledge. We all benefit from the knowledge and wisdom of our ancestors. I’m trying to add a little bit by sharing my work. I don’t think I have all the answers, but sometimes I will pretend that I do, because research shows that you will be more willing to listen to me when I sound assertive.

My goal is to offer some wisdom for fools (like me).

I aspire to be like Lauren Hill who is determined to become like “one of those mad scientists” who tests theories on themselves first to affirm that they work. Often, you will read about this process of testing theories. To me, this is a spiritual, deliberate and devotional daily practice.

Hypothesis I work with 🔭🔬

My assumption is that the key for a regnerative future is by a practicing philsophy and finding a philosophy to live by that integrates scientific knowledge (from the fields I mentioned above), embodied knowledge as well as spiritual insights.

About me 🤸🏼‍♀️💚🎨

Here are a few notable things about me

What I am into 🕵️‍♀️:

practical philosophy, psychomagic, meaning making, post humanism, interspecies communication, imaginaries, solar punk, paradigm-ing, tricksters, idealism, metamodernism, complex systems theory.

What I strive to live by 👵🏼:

  • to become a philosopher queen

  • to live in right relation to reality

  • to remain open to becoming a changed person (again and again)

  • to keep being curious and in awe

  • and very importantly: to enjoy this self

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philosophy for personal and planetary health .


I write about philosophy, health & ecology 🐍 💚🌍 || life as a lab || founder & academic director of IPeP (Institute for Practical ekoPhilosophy).